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7 Things To Do Before You Go Into Labour

7 Things To Do Before You Go Into Labour
Writer and expert7 years ago
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Don't let baby's arrival take your by surprise! Here's 7 Things To Do Before You Go Into Labour to ensure you're super ready for your little one...

Install Your Car Seat

This may come as a shock to some but installing a car seat is actually really difficult! You don't want your first attempt installing it to be with baby in tow and you want to make sure you put the time in to ensure it's installed correctly and as safely as possible. Do it early and come labour day you'll be ready to go.

Pack A Hospital Bag

The last thing you want to be doing when your waters break is to be throwing random stuff into a bag with the hope you'll at least have a thing or two you need. Make sure you've got all the essentials or labour with our list of must haves here!

Get Baby's Room Ready

Decide where your baby will be sleeping and get any painting done at least 8 weeks before baby arrives to ensure there's no harmful fumes floating around. Put your nesting instinct to good use, set up a crib and make sure this is one of the things to do before you go into labour.

Make A Rough Birthing Plan

We're going to give you a little reality check here if you make a incredibly detailed birthing plan stating exactly how it's going to go and how you're going to feel things are not going to go to plan. Being prepared is amazing and we couldn't recommend making a rough birthing plan enough, what hospital you're going to, medication preferences, induction options and interventions are all things you need to discuss with your doctor, midwife and partner- but you need realistic expectations. Sometimes things won't go to plan and you need to be flexible and prepared for a backup plan or two.

Read Up On Breastfeeding

Once baby arrives you'll be too busy, too tired and too overwhelmed by your hungry little one to frantically google breastfeeding tips. See our blog on how to make breastfeeding easier here for our top tips- and remember fed is best so do what's right for you and your baby.

Freeze Some Meals

Having a newborn is one of the most magical things in the world but it's also one of the most exhausting. Plan ahead and make a few big batches of your favourite meals and pop them in individual portion sized boxes in the fridge. That way when you're too tired to cook whether you're home alone and need a meal for one to keep 'hanger' at bay or have to cook up a storm for the whole family you're already ready to just pop something in the oven hassle free.

Wash Crib Sheets and Baby Clothes

Another potentially unexpected thing to do before you go into labour? Your baby's skin is super sensitive when they're first born so despite being mega cute, newborn clothes can irritate your little one's skin. Make sure to wash at least a weeks worth of teeny tiny baby clothes and crib sheets with baby-friendly detergent before your little one arrives.

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Writer and expert
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