
Baby Celebrations Around The World

The birth of a new baby is significant for any family around the world. Celebratory traditions often differ from family to family, but from country to country, we’ve discovered a huge range of weird and wonderful baby celebrations from all around the world.


In Armenia, the baby is to be kept within the family home for 40 days after the birth. The 40 days is intended so the mother can rest and the baby can be kept safe from outside germs; rooting back to protecting the baby from the evil eye, and in turn, illness and injury.

South Korea

In South Korea, there are baby celebrations with friends and family 100 days after the baby is born to celebrate that the baby has survived this fragile time. For the baby’s 1st birthday, symbolic objects are place in front of the child. It is believed that the first item the baby picks up is symbolic of their future, for example, a piece of rope to represent long life.


Due to the Christian population within the country, many traditional baby celebrations are linked to the wedding of the parents. The whiskey cake from the wedding is saved from the mother and father’s wedding and served at the baby’s christening. The crumbs are sprinkled over the baby’s head for health and luck.


For the three weeks after the baby has been born, it is tradition in Japan for the new mother to stay in her bed in her parent’s home. This time is to be used for the mother to recover and bond with the baby, whilst the family and friends help out with chores –lucky mum!!


In Britain, it is assumed that the father will go out to the local pubs or nightclubs with his Friday, the baby’s grandparents, uncles and other family members to “Wet the Baby’s Head”. Whilst the baby doesn’t attend, this time is used by the father to socialise, drink alcohol and ultimately celebrate the birth of the child.

New Zealand

In New Zealand, it is an old tradition to plant the placenta on the land where your ancestors lived. It is thought this is a way to bring the generations together. Whilst it isn’t so common anymore due to urbanisation, you are thought of as lucky if you are still able to continue this tradition.

The Bahamas

In the Bahamas, it is tradition to bury the baby’s umbilical cord in the garden of your home. It is thought that if you follow this tradition, you will always find your way home; regardless of how far you may travel.

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