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Meet the Mamas

Meet the Mamas – Leonora Bamford

Meet the Mamas – Leonora Bamford
Writer and expert8 years ago
View Ariana's profile

As part of our Meet the Mamas series, we met with My Baba founder and mummy of (almost) 3 and found out how she balances work and baby life and what she likes to do to pamper herself!

What made you decide to start My Baba?

We launched My Baba online 5 years ago, and it really was a time when mummy blogging wasn’t really a thing yet. I wanted to help cut through the huge mass of information out there, for pregnant ladies and new mums, we definitely started small and have grown organically to where we are now.

Your top tips on balancing family/work life?

This is a really hard one, especially running your own business. I try to be as organised as I can, and although it's hard, I try not to mix the two. My children can’t stand seeing me on the computer or on my mobile.

How do you organise yourself?

I’m a serious list maker, I always write my list in the evening for the following day so I know what I’m doing, and I have a gigantic white board for the kids.

meet the mamas
Your favourite way to unwind?

I love going for a run with my husband, or having a lavender bath, the mio Liquid Yoga Bath Soak is my favourite!

The 3 best things about starting your own business?

Being your own boss, keeping your own hours, and a great sense of achievement.

The 3 hardest things about starting your own business?

Being your own boss, keeping your own hours, and the fact that you can never switch off when its your name above the door.

If you’ve announced baby number 3 officially, how do you plan to balance 3 babies and work?

I hate tempting fate so I haven’t actually told many people about number three. But in answer to your question I am pretty terrified. I guess I will work a bit more from home. Luckily My Baba HQ is a bit of a creche anyway, always bursting with the latest prams and cots, toys and entertainment.

Your favourite mama mio products?

I used mama mio products throughout my pregnancies, and I have to say the tummy rub butter is still my firm favourite.

Your typical skincare routine?

I cleanse and moisturise every day, and do a scrub a couple of times a week. Since finding out I was pregnant, I have been skin brushing daily and slathering on the mama mio tummy rub butter, tummy rub oil and pregnancy boob tube.

A brief idea on a day in the life of you.

Term time is very different to the holidays, but an average school day would look like…

Up and 6.30am and scramble into my clothes before waking the kids

Breakfast as a family before running out of the door before 8.00am

My husband and I are at ours desks by half past, and I have meeting all morning at My Baba before trying to venture out for a quick lunch, often inhaled at my desk. We try and hold internal office meetings in the afternoon to brain storm ideas and discuss upcoming content and events, there’s never a shortage of press events and we try and split them between the team.

I am always out of the door by 3.00pm for school pick up

Whilst the kids do their homework I catch up on a few emails before kids tea, bath, stories and bed!

My husband and I stay up working until the early hours, before it all starts again. God how boring! The weekend is far more fun I promise!

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Writer and expert
View Ariana's profile