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World Breastfeeding Week: 7 Breastfeeding FAQs

World Breastfeeding Week: 7 Breastfeeding FAQs
Josie Wilkins
Writer and expert1 year ago
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It's world breastfeeding week, Mama! In this day and age, breastfeeding your little one should be stigma-free, whether it's in the comfort of your own home or out in public. However, the society that we live in has only recently started to welcome breastfeeding as a natural part of life. Even today, some Mamas are still at the receiving end of a few funny looks when breastfeeding their baby in public! Due to all of this catching up our society has to do, there's not a lot of real-life experience or information out there on this natural, normal part of life.

Luckily, we're here to help! For world breastfeeding week, we've answered the top breastfeeding FAQs to help prep you to feed your little one.

mother smiling at baby cradled in arms

Can you drink caffeine while breastfeeding?

To kick off our breastfeeding FAQs for world breastfeeding week, let's debunk a common query about your morning coffee- can you drink caffeine while breastfeeding?

In short, yes you can. However, as with everything Mama, there can be too much of a good thing. While you're working off your little one's sleeping schedule, you may be craving endless mugs of coffee and tea but it's best to be mindful of how much you're consuming. According to the NHS, caffeine can reach your baby through your breast milk and may keep them awake and restless.

So, while you can drink caffeine while breastfeeding, it's best to restrict it to less than 200mg a day. Bear in mind one mug of instant coffee is around 100mg. Plus, don't forget about those hidden caffeine sources such as some chocolate bars and fizzy drinks!

Does breastfeeding get easier?

Our next breastfeeding FAQ is whether or not breastfeeding gets easier. If you're struggling Mama, don't worry. During the first few days, you and your baby will just be getting to know each other. Therefore, it may take some time, but breastfeeding normally gets easier once you've both got the hang of it. If you're still trying to establish that connection with your little one, take a look at these 3 Ways to Bond with Your Baby.

Does breastfeeding hurt?

While it may be difficult at the beginning, does breastfeeding hurt once you're up and running? Well, when your little one initially latches on properly, you may feel a slight discomfort. After this, the discomfort should ease until it becomes simply a gentle tug.

While it's common for the boobs to feel a bit sore as they fill with milk, in a normal situation, the actual process of breastfeeding does not hurt. To soothe your growing boobs, try massaging the soothing, omega rich Mama Mio Pregnancy Boob Tube from below your boobs to your neck. However, if breastfeeding itself is consistently hurting, it's best to consult your medical professional.

Do pierced nipples affect breastfeeding

If you've bejewelled your boobs, you may be wondering whether pierced nipples affect breastfeeding. Firstly, if you have a piercing you should wait until your nipple is completely healed before breastfeeding. Pierced nipples don't affect breastfeeding with regards to milk production. This is because the milk is made in your mammary glands, found behind the nipple itself. These glands will make milk after your little one has entered the world, regardless of piercings. However, where this breastfeeding FAQ comes into play is that while a nipple piercing doesn’t affect breastmilk itself, it could slightly interfere with its flow.

That's not to say that this will happen to you, Mama. However, the piercing itself or the scarring it can leave may block or damage the ducts in the nipple. According to Healthline, another thing to keep in mind is that nipple piercings can lead to breast problems such as mastitis.

So, while a fun way to express yourself, to ensure your pierced nipples don't affect breastfeeding, it's important to take extra precautions to reduce the risk of infection and keep the milk flowing.

How to combine breastfeeding and pumping

Breast milk production tends to work on supply and demand. The more milk is drawn out, the more milk your body usually makes. Therefore, combining breastfeeding and pumping could be a useful way to increase your supply.

To combine breastfeeding and pumping, you can multitask and let your baby nurse on one side while pumping the other at the same time. However, experts say that the best way how to combine breastfeeding and pumping is to prioritise your little one's breastfeeding needs first, then follow with the pump afterward.

How to ease sore nipples from breastfeeding

While we've established that breastfeeding shouldn't hurt, your nipples can become more sensitive from all of the pulling and tugging! To ease sore nipples from breastfeeding and celebrate world breastfeeding week, give your nipples the care they deserve. Try the Keep Calm Nipple Balm for an instant source of relief from dryness and irritation. This balm will also work to nourish the sensitive skin with a natural oil and butter blend. What's more, there's no need to remove this calming balm before breastfeeding, so you can ease your sore nipples at any time.

When should you stop breastfeeding

The World Health Organisation recommends that all babies are breastfed for 6 months. After that, there is no set time when you should stop breastfeeding. You and your little one will know best!

Now that we've gone through the usual breastfeeding FAQs, you might have a better idea of what to expect when it's time to feed your baby. Happy world breastfeeding week, Mama!

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Josie Wilkins
Writer and expert
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Josie is an Online Beauty Editor with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism. Her passions involve all things skincare and beauty and in her free time she likes to travel, read and get her beauty sleep.