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Self-Care Recovery from a C-Section: Do’s and Don’ts

Self-Care Recovery from a C-Section: Do’s and Don’ts
Josie Wilkins
Writer and expert1 year ago
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Whether it was a part of your birth plan or not, sometimes c-sections are the safest option. However, recovery from a c-section is a journey on its own. How are you settling in, Mama? While it tends to take around 6 weeks to resume your usual day-to-day activities, this completely depends on your situation. With other minis to look after, for example, you may feel you need more time. However, during those early days at home, you may require a helping hand so you can receive the essential rest and recovery from your c-section. From exercise to bathing, everyday tasks take a little more care and consideration.

Here's your Mama's guide to self-care recovery from a c-section.

Exercise Do's and Don'ts After C-Section

Exercising might be the last thing on your mind at the moment Mama. However, if you're keen to know what activities you should and shouldn't be doing during your c-section recovery, take a look at this guide.

Exercise after a c-section: the don'ts

  • Don't do strenuous activities like running, HIIT, and core exercises until your doctor gives you the all-clear to do so.
  • Don't pressure yourself to get up and out straight away. Rest and relax for the first few days until you feel well enough to cope with it. 
  • Don't take the stairs if lifts are an option. If you need to climb the stairs, hold on tight to the banister, Mama!
  • Finally, don't lift anything heavier than your baby.

Exercise after a c-section: the do's

Instead, doing the following may help you on your c-section recovery:

  • Listen to your body and rest when you’re tired.
  • Try to walk every day for some fresh air, to prevent blood clots and to ease you back into an active lifestyle.

Our Top Tips for Sleep After C-Section

As the saying goes, sleep is the best medicine. However, this precious medicine is hard to come by as a new Mama! Here are some tips on attaining that much-needed sleep during the recovery from a c-section.

nappy cream
  • Take it slow, clear your schedule, and prioritise rest. This will not only free your time to bond with baby but lifts some of the pressures of daily life. Trust your gut, Mama. Only you will be able to tell when you're ready to get into the swing of things.
  • Welcome help with open arms. If you have a partner, family, or a friend who can watch baby for some time during the day, take advantage of it and use the time to rest up.
  • Find the sleeping position that is most comfortable for you. For the first few days, many women find sleeping in an upright position most comfortable. Other options include sleeping on your back at an incline and sleeping on your left side for optimal blood flow.
  • When you go to rise in the morning, try to roll onto your side and use your arms to help yourself up to avoid any strain on your stitches.

Do's and Don'ts of Bathing After C-Section

We're sure you'll be weary of your wound for the first while Mama. It can take around six weeks to fully heal so it's important to keep it clean and well looked after. Let's take a look at the do's and don'ts of bathing after a c-section.

Bathing after a c-section: The don'ts:

  • Avoid bathing after a c-section until your incision is healed and your postpartum bleeding has stopped.
  • Don't bathe in public pools or hot tubs.
  • Don't rub soap or shower gels directly onto the healing wound.

Bathing after a c-section: The do's:

  • Use a shower as you would normally.
  • Once the dressing has been removed, use warm, soapy water to lightly wash your incision and gently pat it dry afterward.
  • When you're nice and dry, get out those soft, loose clothes and stay comfy Mama!

C-section scar massage

C-section scars tend to be about 10–20cm long and sit just below your bikini line. While your scar can act as a happy reminder of the day your little one entered the world, we understand if you'd prefer it to be no more than a faint mark. Don't worry Mama. It will fade over time. On darker skin, it might fade to a brown or a white line.

mama mio tummy rub scrub

Your midwife might tell you to practise a c-section scar massage once your wound has fully healed. This can break up the scar tissue and soothe any itchiness. To massage your c-section scar, gently rub the nourishing Mama Mio Mama Marks Cream using small circular motions with your fingertips. This cream is made with a highly effective blend of peptides, fruit enzymes, and oils. Apply a thin layer twice a day for 12 weeks to see maximum benefits and to keep your skin comfortable, soft, and nourished.

There you have it, Mama! While there might be a lot going on at the moment, self-care recovery from a c-section is of the highest importance for both you and baby. Rest up, take care, and enjoy these precious first few weeks with your bundle of joy.

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Josie Wilkins
Writer and expert
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Josie is an Online Beauty Editor with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism. Her passions involve all things skincare and beauty and in her free time she likes to travel, read and get her beauty sleep.