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How To Get Your Week Off To A Good Start!

How To Get Your Week Off To A Good Start!
Writer and expert7 years ago
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They say that Monday morning begins on Sunday evening, and although that’s not a thought most of us find particularly appealing, it’s worth getting the stresses you usually face on Monday morning out the way, and get your week off to a good start.

So spend your Sunday getting your life back together and getting yourself organised ready to wake up on Monday knowing everything is done, you'll start your week on a much more positive note! Don’t leave everything to the last minute, you’ll end up panicking and forgetting something that you needed to do. So follow our steps to making the most of your Sunday and having a stress free start to your week.

Write a list

So many people underestimate the power of writing a list. It is the best way to clear everything from your mind and get it all down on a piece of paper (or on iNotes - whichever floats your boat!) If something you need to do is niggling at the back of your mind, write it down. You’ll instantly feel better.  Go down your list at the end of the day and check you’ve ticked off as much as you could. And get the small, tedious tasks out the way first. Remember, most things you really don’t want to do, give you the biggest satisfaction once you’ve done them!

Pamper yourself

Sundays are for pampering. It’s an unwritten rule of life! So pour yourself a bath, pour in some Liquid Yoga Bath Soak, put on a face mask and enjoy some alone time. Try to get everything out of your mind for a couple of minutes and take some deep breaths and bask in the ambiance of your own company. Pampering isn’t just about cleansing the outside, but cleansing your mind too.

Preparation is key

Nothing makes a hectic morning easier than being prepared! So take an hour out of your Sunday to prep breakfast for the following morning, make the packed lunches, tidy up, set out your clothes and your children’s clothes if needs be, and do your food shop. The list may seem endless, but it’ll make your Monday morning a doddle! It's much easier to switch off when you know things are done.

Be breakfast ready

Take a look at some breakfast recipes online, we love They’re healthy, gluten free, sugar free and taste delicious! What more could you want? So prep brekky on Sunday eve and stick in the fridge, et voila! Alternatively, get everything out ready to throw in the blender when you get up, and have yourself a smoothie, or make it Sunday eve and put in the fridge, our favourite is Bettinas Very Berry Smoothie. Just grab and go in the morning. This is pretty easy, right?

Stretch yourself out

Stretching is a fantastic way to release any tension and ease any aching muscles. Spending just 10 minutes of your day stretching yourself out will make you feel a whole lot better. If you’ve a particular ache or pain that’s getting to you, spend some time massaging the Workout Wonder ball into it. The roller ball device can target specific areas that are a little tense. Stretch first thing in the morning and last thing before you go to bed and you’ll feel so much more relaxed, and it’ll help aid a great night’s sleep.

Insta: @mamamioskincare //Twitter: mamamio // Facebook: mama mio skincare

Writer and expert
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