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How to Improve Skin Elasticity During Pregnancy

How to Improve Skin Elasticity During Pregnancy
Josie Wilkins
Writer and expert2 years ago
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Have you noticed your bump st-re-tch-ing, Mama? As you make your way through your journey, perhaps entering the second trimester, you might notice your baby growing quickly all of a sudden! As exciting as it is that your little one is making progress, at this point, some Mamas begin to feel overwhelmed by the natural but fast weight gain and stretching that occurs. This is why we've created our guide on how to improve your skin elasticity during pregnancy. Stretch marks may be a sign of motherhood, but tight, itchy skin shouldn't have to be! The skin losing its elasticity can feel uncomfortable- and you have enough on your plate as is!

Keep reading for our guide on how to help improve your skin's elasticity during the nine-month stretch and beyond.

What is skin elasticity?

At this point, you may be wondering, what is skin elasticity? Your skin's elasticity is its ability to stretch and bounce back. As we know, pregnancy causes a lot of changes to your skin and body, most of which disappear once your baby has arrived. When your skin expands to make room for your little one in your belly, its elasticity will help it to return to the way it was pre-stretch. When your skin loses its elasticity, this can result in the loose skin that's left behind that many Mamas experience after giving birth.

Why does skin lose its elasticity?

There are plenty of reasons why skin loses its elasticity. From the natural aging process to sun exposure, many factors can affect the skin's ability to produce collagen and elastin (the proteins that give the skin the ability to stretch.)

However, why skin loses its elasticity during pregnancy is usually down to the influx and changes of hormones that cause the skin fibres to weaken and relax. This combined with all of the natural stretching makes it more difficult for your skin to bounce back after the bump has done its work.

How to improve skin elasticity during pregnancy?

So now that we know what skin elasticity is, how can you improve it during pregnancy?

How your skin bounces back post-stretch is usually down to its natural composition and how quickly your bump grows. The faster the st-re-tch, the more likely it is that your skin will show stretch marks, for example. During pregnancy, however, there are a few things that can help to improve the skin's elasticity.

Firstly, exercising helps to improve your body's circulation and thus, retain more of its elasticity. What's more, exercise will help to prevent you from gaining those extra pounds a little too quickly, working to nip stretch marks in the bud. Don't worry Mama, we're not talking about strenuous weight-lifting or sprinting. Simply try to fit a little bit of movement into your daily schedule– walks and stretches count!

Next up, we have massages. Massaging your skin can also help with circulation while stimulating the cells that play a role in the production of collagen and elastin.

Better yet, pair your massage with the Mama Mio Tummy Rub Oil for double the help to improve the skin's elasticity during pregnancy. This silky, lightweight blend of natural oils has been expertly formulated for dry, uncomfortable bumps. What's more, it is clinically proven to increase skin elasticity and moisture, helping to protect against stretch marks. For the skin to stretch without leaving marks, it needs to be well moisturised. An oil is able to penetrate deep into the skin to provide that necessary hydration.

Finally, don't forget to stay hydrated from the inside, too! According to Healthline, drinking water helps hydrate the skin and make it more elastic.

How to improve the appearance of skin elasticity after pregnancy?

But what about when baby has arrived into the world? The appearance of skin elasticity after pregnancy usually fades on its own over time.

To improve the appearance of skin elasticity after pregnancy, the first thing you need to do is get moving, Mama! Add strength-training workouts to build and tone your muscles as this can have a positive effect on loose skin. If sit-ups aren't your forté, fear not. Low impact exercises such as pilates and yoga also involve moves that help to tighten the core and other areas where you may find signs of loose skin.

Next up, keep that skin feeling and looking supple with Mama Mio Mama Marks Cream. Formulated for mamas with fresh stretch marks, this highly effective blend of peptides, fruit enzymes, and oils is clinically proven to reduce the appearance, colour, and texture of existing stretch marks.

What's important to remember Mama, is that the stretching and scars are all part of your journey- one which you should be very proud of! However, if you stay hydrated, stay moving, and care for the body, improving the skin's elasticity during and after pregnancy will be a whole lot easier.

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Josie Wilkins
Writer and expert
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Josie is an Online Beauty Editor with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism. Her passions involve all things skincare and beauty and in her free time she likes to travel, read and get her beauty sleep.