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What Causes Breakouts And Acne During Pregnancy?

What Causes Breakouts And Acne During Pregnancy?
Writer and expert7 years ago
View beeversj's profile

All ladies get that gorgeous pregnancy glow, that shine from within (it’s sometimes just sweat from exhaustion but that’s our secret!) However more than one in three women find that they suffer from breakouts and acne during pregnancy.

Why it happens?

During your first and second trimester your body has an influx of hormones, some make your boobs grow, some make you more emotional and some cause you to breakout. The hormone androgen can cause the glands in your skin to produce more serbum, a waxy, oily substance which can clog pores and lead to bacteria, inflammation and breakouts.

It’s hard not to feel self-conscious when your skin is breaking out and you’re not feeling yourself. Don’t worry too much ladies we’ve got the do's and don'ts for skincare during pregnancy to help you feel your best and get that glow.

Don’t aggravate

It’s so, so tempting to pick and pop spots when they make an appearance. However the urge to squeeze that spot is one you need to resist! Popping pimples are only going to aggravate the problem, spread bacteria and could leave scarring.

Don’t Use Harsh Treatments

If you’ve suffered from acne before you may have been prescribed products such as Accutane and topical retinoids, however during pregnancy these products are a no-go. These harsh chemicals can be absorbed through the skin into your baby’s bloodstream. That’s why at mama mio we have a no-nasties, clean skincare policy, to look after you and your little one whilst you're pregnant.

Do Hydrate

Pregnant skin gets dehydrated more easily, flush out and hydrate to revitalise your skin, body and mind.

Do Eat Well

What you put in your body affects your skin so make sure to eat lots of ‘good fats’ and ‘super foods’ such as avocados, nuts and olives as well as dark leafy greens to nourish from within. Try cutting out, or back on (we know pregnancy cravings are irresistible)  on sugar and refined grains to give your skin a healthy boost and prevent acne during pregnancy.

Do Be Sun Smart

Not only does too much sun cause premature ageing it can also bring out other blotches and redness during pregnancy. We recommend wearing an  SPF of at least 30 to protect your delicate skin, stop it drying out and becoming even more damaged and keep you looking young!

Do Cleanse

Our mama mio Gorgeous Glow Balancing Facial Wash is a lightly foaming cleanser perfect for pregnant skin to leave it super clean but never tight. Naturally exfoliating Lactic Acid (perfect for freeing the skin of dead skin cells- a cause of acne), mild astringents and Tea Tree extract helps keep hormonal breakouts at bay.

To target all skin issues caused by pregnancy our *Gorgeous Glow 3-Step Set* has the Gorgeous Glow Balancing Facial Wash, a brightening eye serum and a brightening day and night cream to target dryness, acne, breakouts, excess pigmentation, puffy eyes and stressed and sensitive skin. Get gorgeous glowy skin you’ll want always.

Insta: @mamamioskincare //Twitter: mamamio // Facebook: mama mio skincare // Pinterest: mama mio skincare

Writer and expert
View beeversj's profile