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Kira Louise Reece Writes A Letter To Her Future 16 Year-Old Son

Kira Louise Reece Writes A Letter To Her Future 16 Year-Old Son
Annie Buckley
Writer and expert4 years ago
View Annie Buckley's profile

To honour our 16th Birthday this month, we have asked some of our Mamahood to write a letter to their future 16-year-old son or daughter; to delve into the hopes and dreams they have for them. This week, it's Kira Lou Reece's turn…

Follow Kira Lou on Instagram here.

letter future 16 year old

Kira Lou's Letter To Her Son

To my second born son,

Since the moment I found out we had been blessed with you, I can’t help but wonder who you will be. Will you be like your big brother Archie who is full of life, very cheeky yet a loving boy? Or will you be like your big sister Daisy, who is a little reserved, sweet but also knows what she wants on the same hand? No matter who you are, I know I will love you the same. I don’t know what type of life you will have but I hope you are happy and make the most of it because you only get one shot and please, if anything, be kind no matter what. I hope at 16 you are enjoying your youth and not taking life too seriously (although I hope you are sensible on the same hand). I want you to know life isn’t easy and you have to work hard to accomplish great things.

letter future 16 year old

I wish I didn’t have to say this but there are also some awful people in the world which I’m sure you’ll know by now because sometimes kids can be cruel. Sometimes people get jealous and sometimes people are unhappy in their own lives so they feel the need to make other people’s lives unhappy - but you just remember who you are. You are here for a reason; you are my everything and you do what makes you happy no matter what people say about it (as long as you're not hurting anyone). At 16 I can imagine you being smart, handsome and maybe a little mischievous (if you’re anything like your daddy). I’m excited to see where life takes you and I want you to know that no dream is too big. If you put your mind to it you really can achieve anything. I believe in you son so please, if anything, believe in yourself. I know you will be successful in whatever it is you do and when things get tough in life, just know that I’m always here son, no matter what day, no matter what time and no matter what happens.

With love, your Mama x



Annie Buckley
Writer and expert
View Annie Buckley's profile