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4 Winter Mocktails for Pregnancy During the Festive Season

4 Winter Mocktails for Pregnancy During the Festive Season
Josie Wilkins
Writer and expert1 year ago
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It's the most wonderful time of year, Mama! It's time to get the decorations up, the good tableware out, and the relatives around. However, despite the excitement of a little one on their way, you may find this year to be a little different. Watching friends and family enjoy those cozy cocktails without you is never easy! If you're feeling like you're missing out on the full festive spirit, don't worry Mama. We understand that a glass of water doesn't quite replicate the warm fuzzy feeling of a mug of mulled wine between your hands. Therefore, we've done some digging to find the perfect winter mocktails for pregnancy. What's more, with some of these recipes so close to the real thing, you might just have everyone joining you on the booze-less celebrations!

Here are our 5 winter mocktails so that everyone can get involved in the cheer of the festive season (and baby prep).

Mistletoe Martini Recipe

To begin, our first winter mocktail is the Mistletoe Martini. To make this one friendly for Mamas-to-be, simply hold the vodka that it's usually made with. Plus, as this version is made with cranberry herbal tea instead of pure juice, it contains less sugar! Here's all you need:

  • 200ml of chilled cranberry herbal tea
  • 100ml Sparkling elderflower
  • 200ml orange juice
  • a squeeze of lemon
  • For garnish: cranberries/raspberries
mistle toe martini

How to make a mistletoe martini

Mix the orange juice and cranberry tea together and add the squeeze of lemon juice. Pour the sparkling elderflower in slowly to prevent it fizzing up and serve in a martini glass. Sprinkle in a few cranberries and raspberries for a winter mocktail with an elegant finish!

Non-alcoholic eggnog recipe

There's nothing quite as indulgent as a creamy festive eggnog, and we have good news Mama. This winter mocktail version has all of the deliciousness of the original classic! Plus, with a little prep and some patience as it chills, it's surprisingly easy to make at home. Here's what you'll need for this winter mocktail:

  • grated nutmeg and vanilla extract
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 100ml sugar syrup
  • 100ml double cream
  • 500ml whole milk
  • ice
  • For garnish: grated nutmeg and a cinnamon stick
egg nog

How to make a non-alcoholic eggnog

To make this non-alcoholic eggnog, pour the vanilla extract, sugar syrup and egg yolks into a mixing bowl and beat them with a whisk. Keep going for about 2-3 minutes until the mixture is pale.

While doing this, pour the milk and nutmeg into a saucepan over low heat. Once it begins to steam (not boil!), slowly add the milk into the mix. Then, pour the mixture from the mixing bowl back into the saucepan. Cook it over medium heat and keep stirring with a wooden spoon. Once the mixture begins to thicken, it's time to add the cream.

Strain the mixture into a large jug and leave it to chill in the fridge for about an hour. Once it is nice and cool, pour it into a mug and serve with a sprinkle of nutmeg and a cinnamon stick on top!

While this non-alcoholic eggnog recipe might involve a few more steps than the others, it will be worth it. Trust us.

White Russian mocktail recipe

'White Russian' gets its name due to vodka being the key ingredient. Yet still, we've managed to make this one pregnancy safe for you, Mama. Plus, we've added some sprinkles of cinnamon for a festive finish. Here's what you'll need for this White Russain mocktail:

  • a shot of coffee
  • vanilla extract
  • cinnamon
  • whole cream
  • ice
  • For garnish: cinnamon stick


white russian mocktail

How to make a White Russian mocktail

Put some ice into a glass and pour in the shot of coffee along with the vanilla extract and cinnamon. Hold a spoon over the glass with the bottom facing up. Gently pour the cream over the spoon so it sits on top of the coffee in the glass.

For a garnish, sprinkle a dash of cinnamon on top and serve with a cinnamon stick.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine recipe

For a non-alcoholic mulled wine recipe, you have two options. You can choose to use cranberry juice as your wine replacement, or if you feel comfortable, try it with an alcohol-free red wine, such as a Merlot or Cabernet Sauvignon.

If you do choose a juice, try to find a natural, low-sugar option so it doesn't give you a sugar spike, Mama! Here's what else you'll need:

  • Cranberry Juice/Non-alcoholic Merlot or Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Cloves
  • Cinnamon sticks
  • Star anise
  • Freshly sliced orange
  • For a garnish: an orange skin
non alcoholic mulled wine

How to make a non-alcoholic mulled wine

Add all of the ingredients to a saucepan over medium heat. Once it comes to a low boil, turn the heat down to low and leave it to steam for 20-30 minutes. Strain the liquid to remove the orange slices and the spices. Finally, pour into a mug and add in extra cinnamon sticks or orange slices to garnish.

There you have it, Mama! There's no need to worry about feeling left out of the festivities this year. With these winter mocktails, the entire family will soon be converted to headache-free alternatives for their festive tipples. Put your feet up, soothe your bump with gingerbread tummy butter, and take a sip of one of your Mama-friendly winter mocktails. Whether it's a non-alcoholic eggnog or an altered mistletoe martini, you deserve it.

Josie Wilkins
Writer and expert
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Josie is an Online Beauty Editor with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism. Her passions involve all things skincare and beauty and in her free time she likes to travel, read and get her beauty sleep.