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Combat Dry Skin During Pregnancy

Combat Dry Skin During Pregnancy
Writer and expert7 years ago
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Dreaming of a gorgeous pregnancy glow, instead being plagued with scaly, flaky and itchy skin? A lot of mamas-to-be get dry skin whilst pregnant due to hormonal changes and a loss of fluid travelling from you to your baby. We’ve got tips on how to combat dry skin during pregnancy and get that glow your hoping for.


Our Megamama Super-Rich Omega Body Lotion has a nourishing blend of organic Omega oils and powerful antioxidants to really pamper pregnant skin that’s been giving and giving in every way. Not only super moisturising, use early on in pregnancy to give your skin the elasticity and strength it needs. Say goodbye to dry skin during pregnancy and say hello to a bright glow you’ll want always.

Eat Well

What you put in your body affects your skin so make sure to eat lots of ‘good fats’ and ‘super foods’ such as avocados, nuts and olives as well as dark leafy greens to nourish from within and keep your skin looking and feeling super.


One of the easiest ways to combat dry skin during pregnancy is to drink more water! You should try drinking around 10 glasses of water a day (around 2.3 litres) to hydrate and revitalise both your body and your mind.


Exfoliating is the perfect way to make your skin feel healthy, glowy and new. Safe to use during pregnancy, exfoliators remove dead skin cells and impurities, leaving skin soft and helping to improve skin tone.

Use a pregnancy body scrub (we recommend  our  Tummy Rub Scrub to smooth away the dry and dull surface layer of skin cells in the warmth of your shower. Now, your skin is ready to full absorb the amazing Omegas and nourishment of the products that follow.

Exfoliating removes the dry and dead skin cells from the surface of your skin, that may prevent your moisturisers and oils from penetrating to the lower layers. This means that exfoliation during pregnancy can work to improve the skin’s elasticity by optimising the absorption of products applied afterwards.

Wear SPF

Your skin gets more sensitive as your pregnancy progresses so we recommend wearing a sunscreen of at least SPF 30, not only will this protect your sensitive and dry skin from the sun but keep you looking young for years to come.

Use a Humidifier

When you’re pregnant it’s can often be hard enough to sleep at night with the leg cramps, vivid dreams and snoring partners! Try using a humidifier overnight to infuse the air with moisture and soothe your itchy and dry pregnant skin for one less worry whilst you sleep.

Cleanse your skin

Our Gorgeous Glow Balancing Facial Wash is especially formulated with pregnant skin in mind for an amazingly gentle deep cleanse. Packed with Probiotics and moisturising oils and enriched with omegas to keep dry skin during pregnancy at bay.


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Writer and expert
View beeversj's profile